Bioinformatics Based Structural Analysis of Cytochrome P450 genes in Candida tropicalis
Genome, Gene duplication, Evolutionary history, Cytochrome P450, Candida tropicalisAbstract
Cytochrome P450 is a superfamily of enzymes that contain heme as a cofactor that functions as monooxygenases. These proteins are responsible for the oxidation of fatty acids, steroids, and xenobiotics, and the synthesis and breakdown of various hormones. Candida tropicalis has been identified as the leading cause of Candidemia, a bloodstream infection that contributes to the high mortality rate worldwide. So far, no research has reported a detailed study of the cytochrome P450 genes in the genome of Candida tropicalis. Hence, a detailed analysis involving the identification and characterisation of cytochrome P450 genes from the Candida tropicalis genome would provide valuable information about the evolutionary history and functions of the Cytochrome P450 gene family. In this study, 32 Cytochrome P450 genes were identified in Candida tropicalis, which were further grouped into four clades. The results show that most cytochrome P450 families in
Candida tropicalis have a close phylogenetic relationship.And diversity might have mainly been a result of gene duplication. Clans and family groupings, alongside their putative functions and subcellular localisation, also showed the possible relationship between the genes’ cellular location and their functions. The results obtained from this study pave the way for a broader and more detailed analysis of the specific functions of each of the Cytochrome P450 genes in Candida tropicalis, as well as possible ways of altering their functions to find a way of curbing/eradicating the negative effect of Candida tropicalis and its contribution to the high rate of mortality worldwide.
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