Peer-Review Policy

  1. Purpose:

The peer-review process plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality, integrity, and scholarly value of articles published in Nigerian Journal of Parasitology. This Peer-Review Policy outlines the principles and guidelines governing the peer-review process for manuscripts submitted to our journal.

  1. Peer-Review Process:

2.1 Initial Evaluation: Upon receiving a manuscript, the editorial team will conduct an initial evaluation to determine its suitability for further consideration. This evaluation may include assessing the manuscript's relevance to the journal's scope, adherence to submission guidelines, and overall quality. This evaluation is carried out by our Handling Editors.

2.2 Peer-Review Assignment: Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation will be assigned to appropriate experts in the field for peer review. Reviewers will be selected based on their expertise, experience, and absence of conflicts of interest.

2.3 Double-Blind Review: The peer-review process at Nigerian Journal of Parasitology follows a double-blind review model, ensuring the anonymity of the authors and reviewers. Authors' identities are concealed from reviewers, and vice versa, to promote unbiased evaluations.

2.4 Reviewer Responsibilities: Reviewers are expected to provide objective, constructive, and timely feedback on the manuscript's quality, originality, methodology, significance, and suitability for publication. They should assess the scientific rigor, clarity, and adherence to ethical guidelines.

2.5 Reviewer Recommendations: After reviewing the manuscript, reviewers will provide one of the following recommendations:

a. Accept: The manuscript meets the journal's standards and can be accepted for publication without significant revisions.

b. Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires minor revisions addressing specific concerns raised by the reviewer. The revised manuscript can be accepted upon satisfactory revisions.

c. Major Revisions: The manuscript requires substantial revisions to address significant flaws, improve methodology, or clarify arguments. The revised manuscript will undergo another round of review.

d. Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal's standards or is not suitable for publication due to fundamental flaws, lack of novelty, or inadequate methodology.

2.6 Editorial Decision: The editor-in-chief, based on the reviewers' feedback and recommendations, makes the final decision regarding the acceptance, rejection, or need for revisions of the manuscript. The decision aims to uphold the journal's quality standards and the integrity of the peer-review process.

2.7 Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the reviewed manuscript and refrain from sharing or discussing its content with others unless authorized by the journal. Authors should also respect the confidentiality of the peer-review process and not disclose reviewer identities without explicit permission.

  1. Transparency and Integrity:

3.1 Open and Honest Communication: Nigerian Journal of Parasitology encourages open and honest communication between authors, reviewers, and editors. Authors have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments and provide clarifications or revisions based on constructive feedback.

3.2 Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise their objectivity, such as personal relationships, professional collaborations, or competitive interests with the authors or their work. Editors will consider these disclosures and may assign alternative reviewers if necessary.

3.3 Ethical Considerations: Reviewers should alert the journal's editors if they identify any ethical concerns, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or ethical misconduct in the manuscript. Such issues will be addressed according to the journal's Ethical Guidelines and Policies.

  1. Continuous Improvement:

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology is committed to continually improving the peer-review process and maintaining the highest standards of scholarly publishing. We regularly assess and review our peer-review policies and procedures to enhance the quality, efficiency, and transparency of the process.

  1. Contact Information:

For inquiries or further information regarding our Peer-Review Policy, please contact us at [insert contact information].

By submitting manuscripts to Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, authors acknowledge and agree to abide by the guidelines and principles outlined in this Peer-Review Policy.

Effective Date: January 1, 2022