
  • September
    Vol. 45 No. 2 (2024)


    Editorial Advancing Parasitology Research for Public Health Impact

    The current issue of the Nigerian Journal of Parasitology highlights a broad spectrum of parasitological research from various regions, underscoring the importance of parasitic diseases in both human and animal populations. With a focus on public health implications, these studies contribute valuable insights into the prevalence, risk factors, and control strategies for parasitic infections. Twenty-five impact research papers were published with 28% from international authors, from Iraq, Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire, and South Africa.

    One significant study, examining Leishmania infection in dogs from Al Gadarif State, Sudan, adds to the global discourse on zoonotic diseases. Given the role of dogs as reservoirs for human leishmaniasis, this research is crucial for understanding transmission dynamics and informing control measures. Similarly, the assessment of malaria vector behaviour in agrarian communities in Kano State, Nigeria, reflects the need to tailor vector control interventions to specific environmental and socio-economic conditions.

    Zoonotic parasites, including Toxoplasma gondii and Giardia species, continue to be a concern in veterinary and public health sectors. The survey from Pakistan presents important findings for controlling these parasites in clinical settings. In addition, the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among female students in Côte d'Ivoire points to the widespread risk posed by this parasite in both endemic and non-endemic regions.

    A focus on soil-transmitted helminths (STH) is evident in several contributions, including the survey of helminth eggs in playgrounds in Abuja, Nigeria. The public health importance of STH cannot be overstated, as it affects millions globally, particularly school-aged children. Studies examining the effects of environmental parameters on geohelminth prevalence in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, underscore the need for integrated control strategies, combining preventive chemotherapy with improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).

    The antimicrobial properties of Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf) extracts, tested against selected bacteria, represent another important area of research. Traditional medicinal plants remain a promising source of novel therapeutics, particularly in regions where access to conventional medicine is limited.

    Several contributions focus on parasitic infections in animals, such as the prevalence of haemotropic Mycoplasma infection in dogs in Abeokuta, Nigeria, and the diversity of ectoparasites in livestock in Ebonyi State. These studies emphasize the intertwined health of humans and animals, advocating for a One Health approach to disease control.

    In vector biology, research on the seasonal composition of indoor resting mosquitoes in Jigawa State, Nigeria, is timely, given the ongoing fight against malaria. Furthermore, the retrospective study on urinary schistosomiasis in Nelson Mandela Bay Health District, South Africa, underscores the need for sustained surveillance and treatment efforts to combat neglected tropical diseases.

    This issue also features novel approaches to parasite control, such as the use of iron oxide nanoparticle-based formulations to enhance pediculicidal activity, and in-vitro studies on the anthelmintic effects of Azadirachta indica (Neem) and other plants. These innovations could lead to more effective and accessible treatments for parasitic infections.

    Finally, case reports on Ascaridia galli-induced gizzard atrophy in broiler chickens and a rare case of scabies balanitis provide unique insights into less commonly discussed parasitic conditions.

    In conclusion, the research presented in this issue demonstrates the continued importance of parasitology in addressing global health challenges. By focusing on the prevalence, risk factors, and control of parasitic diseases, these studies contribute to the growing body of knowledge necessary for developing effective public health interventions. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology remains committed to disseminating high-quality research that informs policies and practices to reduce the burden of parasitic diseases worldwide. I sincerely hope you will enjoy this current issue. Feedback is welcomed.

    Thank you.


    Prof Uwem F. Ekpo fppsn
    Nigeria Journal of Parasitology
    September 15, 2024

  • Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
    Vol. 45 No. 1 (2024)

    ADVANCING PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH IN NIGERIA – A RENEWED HOPE Welcome to the March 2024 issue of the Nigerian Journal of Parasitology. As we embark on another year of scientific exploration and discovery, it is essential to reflect on the progress made in parasitological research in Nigeria and the challenges that lie ahead.

    Nigeria faces significant health challenges owing to parasitic infections. Malaria, onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted helminthiasis are among the most prevalent parasitic diseases in the country, affecting millions of people annually. These diseases not only cause immense suffering, but also pose a substantial economic burden on individuals and the healthcare system. Parasitic diseases, such as animal trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, sarcocystosis, and water-borne parasitic infections, are emerging.

    There has been a concerted effort by researchers, healthcare professionals, donor agencies and policymakers to address these challenges, by the establishment of control and elimination programmes. However, despite these efforts, challenges persist. Access to basic health care services, safe water, and sanitation remains a significant barrier, particularly in rural areas. Limited access to funds for research hinders the progress of scientific discoveries and implementation of effective control programs. As we move forward, it is imperative that the Nigerian government prioritise parasitology research as a renewed hope to address these challenges. A way forward is an executive bill for the establishment of the National Centre for Parasitology in Nigeria. This centre will provide guidance and policy formulation for combating emerging and re-merging parasitic diseases. The centre can generate revenue through collaboration with global health funders and provide advanced training and certification in parasitology, which is necessary for the next generation of parasitologists. Fostering multidisciplinary approaches that combine biomedical research, public health interventions, and social science perspectives is essential for developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions.

    The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology is committed to supporting and disseminating high-quality research from Nigeria, which advances our understanding of tropical parasites and parasitic diseases of public health importance to inform evidence-based interventions. We encourage researchers to submit their work and contribute to the collective effort to combat parasitic infections not only in Nigeria but also worldwide. Together,we can make significant strides towards a future where parasitic diseases are no longer a major public health concern in Nigeria.

    Thank you for your continued support and dedication to parasitological research.

    Prof Uwem F. Ekpo
    Nigeria Journal of Parasitology

  • Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
    Vol. 43 No. 2 (2022)


    I took over as Editor-in-Chief of this prestigious journal in November 2021. I have kept to faith with the twice-peryear publications of our journal in March and September this year.

    In this current edition, we have twenty-two published papers, addressing parasites, parasitology and public health issues in Nigeria, Ghana, and the Kingdom of Iraq. These issues range from the use of insect forensic science; to captive animals and wildlife parasitology. Protozoan and helminth infection in veterinary parasitology, molecular and biochemical screening of plants for treatment for parasitic infection; burden of parasitic infections in humans and animals as well as public health implications of parasitic diseases. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP) will continue to display scholarship and provide readers with evidence-based information that furthers our understanding of parasites, parasitology, and public health.

    To this end, we are excited to offer our author(s), a special online publication on this theme “The control and elimination of Preventive Chemotherapy Neglected Tropical Diseases (PC/NTDs) in Nigeria: Strategy for meeting the WHO 2030 Elimination goals”, as our contribution to highlighting the progress and challenges in the control and elimination of Preventive Chemotherapy Neglected Tropical Diseases (PC-NTDs) in Nigeria. The deadline for submission of the manuscript is 31st October 2022 and the online publication of accepted manuscripts is December 1, 2023. For more information on our special issues and how to contribute, send a mail to the editor-in-chief at

    We have also modernized our peer-review process and will soon move to automated online submission of manuscripts and reviews process. However, the prohibitive cost of papers and printing materials has resulted in a slight increase in our Manuscript Processing Charge (MPC) from ₦4,000 to ₦6,000. The computation of the cost ofArticle Production Charge (APC) after acceptance remains and is based on the number of manuscript pages. We currently anticipated a cost of between ₦6,000 - ₦7,000 per page or ₦60,000 - ₦70,000 for a ten-page manuscript from 2023 inclusive of colour separation. Author(s) are advised to be mindful of the number of pages so as not to incur an unnecessary cost ofAPC.


    Finally, the journal office appreciates the cooperation of the National Executive Council of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria (PPSN), my Editorial Assistant, Dr. E. Egbeobauwaye Adeyemi and Business Manager, Dr. I. C. J. Omalu. I thank the Editorial Board, led by the Chairman Prof. B. E. B Nwoke, fppsn, our esteemed reviewers and authors, for their kind support. We remain committed to ensuring the high standard and quality for which the Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP) is noted for.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Prof Uwem F. Ekpo, PhD,
    Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP)

  • Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
    Vol. 40 No. 2 (2019)

    40 years of NJP as a Journal of Excellence and Commitment
    Basking in the celebration mood of 40 years of scholarly academic publications and the impact it had made on the academic and reading public over the years, I present a concise historic information on the key actors’ contributions to the success story. The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP), was established in 1979, to provide a platform for dissemination of research information had Prof. M. O. E. Iwuala as
    pioneer Editor-in-Chief. This was after the successful formation of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria (PPSN), then known as the Nigerian Society forParasitology (NSP) in 1973 at Calabar. Prof. Iwuala as EiC produced seven volumes of the Journal listed as NJP Volume 1, 1979; to NJP Volume 7, 1985.

    Prof. Luke D. Edungbola was the second Editor-in-Chief, and the longest serving EiC from 1986-1997 (11 years). Prof. Edungbola characterised the period of some members getting involved in national and global response to parasite and vector elimination. He produced NJP Volume 8, 1986/87; to NJP Volume 17, 1996.

    Prof. R. I. S. Agbede fppsn, was the third Editor-in-Chief of the Journal from 1997 until September 2005. He also championed the inclusion of Public Health in the Society in the editorials of Volumes 19, 20, 21 and 22. He produced 8 Volumes i.e. NJP Volume 19, 1998; to NJP Volume 26, 2005.

    Prof. C. F. Mafiana fppsn, fzsn, was the Editor-in-Chief from 2005-2009. It was also to the credit of Prof. Mafiana that NJP signed an online agreement with Africa Journal Online (AJOL) for web presence, and also with Textflow Limited, Ibadan, for publishing our hard and soft copies. In 2007, Prof. Mafiana started the two issues, March and September Editions per volume of our Journal, and he also proposed the position of Editorial Assistant to which the Society (PPSN) approved. He produced 5 Volumes, i.e.
    NJP Volume 27, 2006; to NJP Volume 30(1) and 30(2), 2009. 

    Prof. Dora Akinboye as fifth Editor-in-Chief (2009-2014) consolidated on the past performance of the Journal and won the Tertiary Education Support Fund (Tetfund) for Journal Production under the leadership of Prof. M. S. O. Aisien as the President of PPSN. This award provided a lot of financial upliftment for the Journal which was before then, sponsored with donations from members at national conferences and stipend fixed publication charges. She produced 5 Volumes, i.e. NJP Volume 31 (1) and 31 (2), 2010; to NJP Volume 35 (1) and (2), 2014.

    Prof. Sammy O. Sam-Wobo fzsn, is the current Editor-in-Chief (2014-2019) and a second term from 2019-2024. Prof. Sam-Wobo re-established the global subscription of our Journal by foreign authors and contributors. The Editorial Board was reconstituted with Prof. Betrand E. B. Nwoke fppsn, FAS, as the Board Chairman with assigned tasks. Prof. Sam-Wobo produced NJP Volume 36(1) and 36(2)2015; to NJP
    Volume 40(1) and 40(2) 2019. Under his watch PPSN and NJP gained tremendous global coverage. There exist timely production of Journals with DOI numbers and uploading to AJOL website, and also agreements with EBSCO, PUBMED, CABI, SCOPUS and Elsevier in abstracting NJP publications.

    I sincerely place on record the excellent support provided for the Journal by the Editorial Board and the Council of PPSN. We also sincerely appreciate all authors, contributors, and importantly the Board of Reviewers who had carried out their review process thoroughly with a high sense of integrity.

    Prof. S. O. Sam-Wobo
    September 10, 2019