Comparative Assessment of Malaria Diagnostic Techniques Updates
limitations, Plasmodium parasites, Diagnostic Methods, MalariaAbstract
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that enter the bloodstream via insect vectors, such as mosquitos. The disease has devastated parts of Africa and the wider human population throughout human periods and thus remains a significant global health challenge due to the difficulty in the procurement of a vaccine and the nature of its spread. While many have turned towards preventative methods, the first thing that must happen is a timely and accurate diagnosis of malaria. This is crucial for the effective management and control of the disease. However, the current diagnostic methods have various limitations, including cost, availability, and accuracy. This review aims to unmask the challenges of malaria diagnosis by exploring existing diagnostic techniques and shedding light on emerging technologies that show promise in improving malaria detection. Furthermore, it examines the potential of innovative approaches, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and molecular diagnostics, in transforming malaria diagnosis and contributing to global efforts toward malaria elimination.
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