Parasitic and Bacterial contamination of Sachets Water sold at Ngwo, Enugu State, Nigeria


  • P. U. Umeanaeto Department of Parasitology and Entomology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
  • E. G. Ani Department of Parasitology and Entomology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
  • V. I. Anyaoha Department of Applied Microbiology and Brewing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
  • J. U. Anumba Department of Public Health, NTDs Control and Elimination Programme, Federal Ministry of Health Abuja, Nigeria
  • S. C. Afulukwe Department of Public Health, NTDs Control and Elimination Programme, Federal Ministry of Health Abuja, Nigeria
  • C. C. Okoli Laboratory Unit, Hospital Management Board, FCTA, Abuja


bacteria, colony, coliform, parasites, Sachet water


Water is an essential part of human nutrition. It is readily available in sachets with little or no interest in the quality by the producers. This study focused on the isolation and identification of parasites and bacteria contaminating sachet water sold at Ngwo, Enugu State, Nigeria. Twenty-one sachets of water were collected randomly from seven different brands sold within the community. The parasites were identified using sedimentation technique while bacteria were isolated from water cultured in Nutrient, MacConkey, and Eosin Methylene Blue Agar media. The physicochemical parameters analysed were total dissolved solids, pH, chloride, total hardness, and nitrite. Two-way analysis of variance was employed to analyse the data for bacteria and parasites identified. Of the twenty-one sachet water samples examined, 13(61.9%) were positive for parasites. Two parasite species [Cysts of Entamoeba histolytica 4(19.0%) and Giardia lamblia 9(42.8%) were identified. The total viable bacteria count ranged from 4(6.5%) to 10(16.1%) colonies in 1ml of water whereas the total Coliform count ranged from 4(6.5%) to 6(9.7%) in 1ml of water with sample F having the highest value of both total viable bacterial count and total Coliform count. The percentage of the total viable bacterial count recorded was 75.8% while the total Coliform count was 24.2%. There was a significant difference in the distribution of bacteria among different brands of water samples (p<0.05) but not in parasite distribution (P<0.05). Bacillus spp 10(29.4%) had the highest occurrence whereas Micrococcus spp 3(8.8%) had the least which was not significant (P>0.05). The physicochemical parameters fell within the recommended limit set by the World Health Organization for drinking water except for the pH value of two brands which was below the stipulated limit. The presence of coliform and other microbes in the samples could have unhealthy implications for consumers when consumed. There is a need for regular and periodic monitoring of the water quality before and after production. 

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How to Cite

Umeanaeto, P. U., Ani, E. G., Anyaoha, V. I., Anumba, J. U., Afulukwe, S. C., & Okoli, C. C. (2022). Parasitic and Bacterial contamination of Sachets Water sold at Ngwo, Enugu State, Nigeria: Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 43(2), 303–310. Retrieved from

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