Livestock trypanosomiasis, owners’ perception and search for human gambiense parasite in cattle and sheep in remote communities of Iseyin, Nigeria
Livestock, Trypanosoma congolense, Trypanosoma brucei species, Iseyin, NigeriaAbstract
The study assessed livestock for human and animal infective trypanosomes in seven remote communities of Iseyin, Oyo State, Nigeria. Blood samples collected at random from 330 cattle and 20 sheep were examined using the buffy coat technique and Leishman stained thin film. Packed cell volume and differential leukocyte counts were determined and interviews conducted. Animals examined showed clinical symptoms; emaciation (2%), rough hair coat (0.57%), body weakness (3.14%), ocular discharge (1.43%), dermatophylosis (0.57%) and ticks (0.57%). Leishman stained thin blood films indicated 34 cattle (9.71%) infected with Trypanosoma congolense, 0% infection in sheep and 100% slides positive for Anaplasma and Babesia parasites with no Trypanosoma brucei species.Anaemia was recorded in male cattle between 1year and 10 years old and was statistically significant (p<0.05). Acute inflammatory responses revealed by neutrophilia, lymphocytopaenia and lymphocytosis; 21.81%, 1.51% and 10% respectively in cattle suggested underlying bacterial or parasitic infections. All (100%) herdsmen confirmed presence of tsetse and other biting flies in bush and canopies around water bodies and stated observable signs and symptoms of trypanosomiasis (samore) which could wipe off the whole herd if untreated. Risk of trypanosome infection remained high as long as the old systems of cattle rearing exist; and urinary schistosomiasis and intestinal ailments due to lack of access to clean and portable water.
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