Phytochemical screening, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) and in vitro antiplasmodial analysis of Senna siamea leaves as antimalarial, Yobe State, Nigeria


  • Daskum, A. M. Department of Biological Sciences, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria
  • Chessed, G. Department of Zoology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria
  • Qadeer, M. A Department of Zoology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria
  • Ling, L. Y Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia


Phytochemical analysis, GC-MS, antimalarial, Senna siamea, medicinal plants


Poverty and lack of access to health facilities had necessitated the less privileged to depend on herbal  remedies to treat a number of  diseases including malaria. The successes recorded from the discovery of novel antimalarials from plant sources had paved the way for  the search of antimalarial compounds from traditional pharmacopeia. Phytochemical analysis as well as GC-MS analysis of crude  leaves extract of Senna siamea was conducted, with a view to identifying compounds with biological activities. Further antimalarial  assessment of the crude extracts was also performed in an in vitro assay. The phytochemicals; phenols, tannins, anthraquinones,  alkaloid and flavonoids were detected from hexane and methanol extracts. GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of Saponins  specifically, triterpenoids (Lupeol, α-amyrin), Sesquiterpene (Octadecane), Diterpenes (Eicosane), Esters of pthalic acids (Diethyl  phthalate) Squalene, α-Tocopherol (a fat soluble Vitamin E) and hexadecanoic acid butyl ester. A dose dependent suppression of  parasite growth was observed for all extracts, with methanolic extract showing less antimalarial potency (IC 50= 3.74 μg/mL) when  compared to the hexane extract (IC50=4.349 μg/mL). Extracts and compounds detected from the leaves of this plant could be used as  novel lead compounds to develop new drugs.



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Author Biography

Daskum, A. M., Department of Biological Sciences, Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria

Department of Zoology, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria

Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia



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How to Cite

A. M., D., G., C., M. A, Q., & L. Y, L. (2021). Phytochemical screening, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) and in vitro antiplasmodial analysis of Senna siamea leaves as antimalarial, Yobe State, Nigeria: Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 41(1), 60–67. Retrieved from

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