Monkeypox outbreak -Is this another pandemic?


  • T. M. Ipinnimo Department of Community Medicine, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria.
  • I. O. Adeniyi Specialist Hospital, Bauchi, Nigeria.
  • P. E. Ehizibue Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
  • O. S. Dan-Ugbomoiko Edo Specialist Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.


Poxvirus, Pandemic, Outbreak, Monkeypox


The WHO declares a pandemic when there is a community transmission of a disease that is occurring in at least two countries in two WHO regions. This research evaluated the current (year 2022) outbreak of monkeypox against the criteria of a pandemic and suggests necessary health interventions. Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease, causing diseases in humans similar to smallpox. Since its discovery in humans in 1970, several outbreaks have occurred with the most recent spreading widely to non-endemic areas and fulfilling the WHO criteria for phase 6 of an outbreak as high cases of infections were seen in Europe and America. Although, the pandemic from monkeypox may not be remarkable because the basic reproductive number, attack, and case fatality rates are much lower than some of the previous pandemics. However, it should not be underestimated, as spread to vulnerable groups may be detrimental. It is therefore important for the health systems of countries to develop a pandemic preparedness and response plan for monkeypox and continue to monitor the outbreak with a prompt response when needed.


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How to Cite

Ipinnimo, T. M., Adeniyi, I. O., Ehizibue, P. E., & Dan-Ugbomoiko, O. S. (2023). Monkeypox outbreak -Is this another pandemic? Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 44(1), 78–86. Retrieved from